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              1. <blockquote id='Hbkgci'><q id='Hbkgci'><noscript id='Hbkgci'></noscript><dt id='Hbkgci'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='Hbkgci'><i id='Hbkgci'></i>

                Zhongshan chuangbollian electronics factory is a company dedicated to automobile, motorcycle, electric vehicle, locomotive LED lamp and motorcycle modified parts. Since its establishment, the company has always adhered to the corporate purpose of "integrity, innovation and communication", the group spirit of "technology and service" as the main business, and formed a complete set of development, design, production At the same time, the company establishes good files for all customers, establishes a special after-sales department, and implements a rapid response mechanism to ensure that customers' worries are solved in time. Based on the three basic principles of customer satisfaction: "product quality satisfaction, technology satisfaction and after-sales service satisfaction", the company continues to strengthen the comprehensive competitiveness within the enterprise. The company seeks development in the competition and seeks opportunities in the challenges. I believe that our company will provide you with good products, good technology and perfect after-sales service.
