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                Led motorcycle lamp factory teaches you how to choose motorcycle headlights

                2021-12-27 254

                  Teach you how to choose motorcycle headlights

                  Motorcycle headlights must be familiar to everyone. As one of the important parts of motorcycles, motorcycle headlights technology is constantly updated after years of scientific and technological development. At present, the three important headlights in the motorcycle market are halogen headlights, xenon headlights and LED headlights. Today I'll teach you how to select motorcycle headlights.


                  From the current market, halogen headlights are more widely used. Under ordinary environment, the service life of halogen lamps is about 1000 hours at most. At the same time, it has the advantages of simple process, low old cost and so on, so it is widely used. However, the important disadvantages of halogen lamps are low luminous rate, very low bright bottom and large heat dissipation.

                  However, compared with xenon lamp, it is a higher motorcycle headlamp. Although the cost is higher than halogen lamp, it has become the mainstream headlamp other than halogen lamp because of its higher brightness, longer irradiation time, good stability and double power consumption.

                  The motorcycle LED lamp produced by our LED lamp manufacturer is another important product with continuous technological progress in the motorcycle industry. It has lower power consumption, longer service life, good stability and rapid response than halogen headlights. At the same time, the smaller LED lamp can also have more planned shapes, which has become the choice of many advanced models and retail markets.

                  Article from:LED motorcycle lamp manufacturer /